Cinderella Pantomime

21 Jan 2019 - 26 Jan 2020

Deenside players proudly present ‘CINDERELLA’ from Monday 21st to Saturday 26th January in Castlecomer community hall @8pm nightly.

Matinee on Saturday 26th @2.30pm

Cast includes: Molly Coogan, David O’ Rourke, John Coogan, Martina Harding, Chubby Brennan, Michael Dowd, Kate Cullen, Kevin Tynan, Katie Molloy, Martin Phelan, Alan Grant, Muireann McSweeney, Christopher Clancy & Colm Meagher.

Tickets on sale from Monday 14th Jan in Castlecomer Community hall between 12-3pm daily (Mon-Fri) or by calling 087-446554

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